Wednesday, January 28, 2009

my chinese new year pic(2009)

*how free was tat road


*the bckground of my dad&mum

*basketball field

*my cousin and cha shao pau

*how tall and how far was the sky

*cute cute o...


*i'm asking her izzit she wan "mum mum",then she smile brightly

*watching tv

*searching for wat she wan to eat next..


*drinking milk..


*capture nothing

*looking wt till so interested?

*she reali cute..

*2 little child

*"dun block my road!"

*dun b so rude la!

*her mum is capture pic for her..but she not co-operate..then her mum scold her..then ..cry oredi..

*capture me?

*cry again..


*who is calling me?



*y all ppl look at me?


*nice 2 eat?

*eat again..


*"was it nice tat i drive it?"

*the car terbalik oredi..

*os for her:"geng ma?i can make the car stand up!"


*y like not happy ar?



*she bantah for her mum late gv her eat..hahaha

*thirsty la..drink water..

*"can help me open?"

*os for snow white:"dun juz gv ke wei eat la..gv me some too.."

*os for ke wei:"is time for me 2 eat..wakaka!"

*eat eat eat eat..

*share share eat la!

*eat eat eat

*search wt ar?

*there gt some delicious?

*something wanna told me?


* u do advertisment for the chips?free of charge..

*i wan change channel!

*:"aiya.."she oways call her a gong(my uncle) as "aiyor"

*"dun wan let u capture!"haha

*how pretty was her eyes?

*os:"u not bore?u oredi capture me for 3 days..u still wan capture me?"

*she is sitting bside me..

*hmm?something delicious?


*os for her:"i dun wan eat late gv me eat.."

*she is angry for her mum late gv her eat

*os for her:"i wan tat biscuit la!"

*put bck 1st..

*u calling me?

*eat la..

*waiting for her mum(my cousin)2 feed her..

*driving the car

*"har?wat u talking?"then take a orange oredi...

*her eyes never leave the biscuit

*she most like 2 eat

*my cousin put 2 high oredi..they can't even touch it..
*my hometown house

*my mp4 in the dark

*the dog is sleeping

*we chit-chat at outside during night

*how attractive was tat..

*xuan xuan

*how nice was tat sky

*she refuse 2 let me take her pretty face pic

*puggy 2

*my uncle caring for his dog

*the house opposite my hometown house

*my cousin's son&daughter

*play play lo

*bring a dog and take a walk

*can u see the line on the sky?

*my bro

*take a walk


*my sis is take caring for the child

*chai shao pau's emotion so cute

*y wei wei put up 3 fingers?

*u standing my place!!

*thinking wt?

*i love u

*my cousin-wei wei


*ke wei(the bhind 1)is coming 2 her sis-kuxuan

*chat shao pau&ke xuan

*o?watching wt o?


*os for her:"can u dun capture me?"

*aiyaya..later can't breath..


*reali cute..

*wt kind of the sight is it?

*wan sleep oredi?still early wor..

* dissapointed..she still playing..y dun u throw..

*o?prepare 2 throw it?

*still playing

*she play my bro's phone...os for me:"yes..juz throw it.."^^

*she refuse 2 gv

*tat uncle(my cousin)is asking her 2 gv the 100 plus 2 him

*like the adult drink beer..

*so happy after drink it

*once she get it..juz will straight drink la..

*her favourite drink-100 plus


*she try 2 show the thing to me..

*she so happy for sucess take my thing

*kacau my room's thing

*walking in my room

*dun treat the phone like tat..

*look wt?

*i force him 2 make tis pose..haha

*cute,right?like an ang pau..

*gong xi fa cai..haha

*aiyor..y play at here..

*snow white's sis

*she try 2 cover the camera

*she was asking for tat phone..haha..

*looking for some 1 uncle

*my aunt and my mum..i like stay in kitchen..many thing can noe from there

*y look so no mood?

*snow white's bro

*still wearing the sleeping cloth

*snow white big liao..


*pretty sky

*a place tat my cousin and i oways sit and chat

*my sis's car

*dog dog


*the front door of my hometown house

*street 3(street tat in my hometown house)

*street 2

*street 1

*nice view

*padi 2


*many birds..


*is it nice?i capture de leh

*bckground of my mum

*bckground of my dad





*bla bla bla

*i try 2 capture tat tasik..but can't

*majlis daerah kuala selangor

*is nice

*saw tat police?listening phone o..

*basketball field

*duno wt


*sky(how can it b so fake?)

*car park


*still in the car,my mp4


*so lame

*tasik wat wat wat la...

*1st pic tat i capture on the way of bck hometown